FND_PROFILE.VALUE 是很常用的 Function, 整理起來以後就不需要翻書了
(資料來源 : User Guide)
Your user's current Oracle Application Object Library username. |
Your user's current Oracle Application Object Library user ID. |
Your user's current responsibility ID. |
The short name of the application connected to your user's current responsibility. |
The application ID of the application connected to your user's current responsibility. |
The name of the current form. Not available for concurrent programs. |
The form ID of the current form. Not available for concurrent programs. |
The name of the application for which the current form is registered. Not available for concurrent programs. |
The application ID of the application for which the current form is registered. Not available for concurrent programs. |
Your user's logon date for the current session. |
Your user's logon date for the previous session. |
Your user's Sign–On Audit login ID in Oracle Application Object Library. |
Instance of your running current program. You can only use this profile option in a concurrent program. You use this profile option to fill the REQUEST_ID Who column. |
The program ID associated with a running current program. You can only use this profile option in a concurrent program. You use this profile option to fill the PROGRAM_ID Who column. |
The application ID associated with a running current program. You can only use this profile option in a concurrent program. You use this profile option to fill the PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Who column. |
The login ID associated with a running concurrent program. You can only use this profile option in a concurrent program. You can use this profile option to fill the LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Who column. |
The value Yes or No that you enter in the Print Output field when you register a concurrent program. You can use the routine afpoput() from your concurrent programs to change the value of this profile option for a particular instance of your running concurrent program. This profile option determines whether the concurrent managers print the concurrent program's output to the printer. |
The print style of your concurrent program's output that you enter in the Print Style field when you register a concurrent program. You can use the routine afpoput() from your concurrent programs to change the value of this profile option. |