
最近突然發現, Oracle 標準 Report 中的 Credit Exposure Report, 有客戶的 Exposure 沒有正確的計算出來, 而跑到 Unchecked Exposure 這個欄位裡面, 去 Metalink 查詢後才發現問題出在 Customer Credit Profile 的設定

Oracle Metalink 上找到的答案

While creating usage rule, you may have certain currencies to be excluded from the rule set.

(N) OM -> Setup -> Credit -> Define Usage Rules

Define Credit Usage Rules

The rule set can be assigned to ct/site/profile.

(N) OM -> Setup -> Credit -> Assign Usage Rules

Assign Credit Usage Rules

Transactions on this currencies will be excluded while calculating exposure. If the exclude flag is set for any currency the exposure for the same is displayed as unchecked exposure.

Unchecked Exposure displays exposure, that was not accounted by any credit profile. The calculation is same as normal exposre calculation. The only difference is excluded currencies will be passed to the procedure get_exposure.

Exposure is calculated based on the credit check rule where the ct can specify what all values should be included in calculating the exposure. How
credit check rule is used, is mentioned in Oracle Implementation guide. This exposure will be based on currencies as per credit usage rule.

If the credit usage rule is saying to exclude some currencies, the exposure for the same will appear as Unchecked Exposure.

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