原本以為這會是偶發的狀況,沒想到上線之後幾乎是每天都有 User 碰到這樣的問題

目前確定以下狀況在輸入中文時會造成整個 Oracle ERP 當機 (應該是 Java 當掉):
1. 使用新注音的使用者,要做選字動作時,要先把字 "選" 起來再按 ↓,不然會當機
2. 使用舊注音或舊倉頡,如果注音符號或倉頡字碼在輸入時超過該欄最大字數,也會當機

謝謝 CK 提供的資訊, 我已順利的跟 Oracle Support 要到修改方式, 測試過也已經 OK, 再次感謝

1. Edit the appsweb_<SID>_<machine>.cfg as follows:
* Backup the file pointed to by $FORMS60_WEB_CONFIG_FILE
* Edit this file
* Locate the line: networkRetries=0
* After networkRetries=0, add the following line:

2. Edit the appsbase.htm as follows:
* Backup the $OA_HTML/US/appsbase.htm file
* Edit $OA_HTML/US/appsbase.htm
* Locate the section labled "IE Section"
* At around line 430, add the parameter inlineIME as follows:
(Aloz: 此動作需重開 Apache )
// Separate the less-than character from PARAM to prevent Appletviewer
// from seeing these as param tags outside of an applet tag.
IEhtml += '<' + 'PARAM name=type value="' + xpluginmimetype + ' ">';
IEhtml += '<' + 'PARAM name=codebase value="' + xcodebase + '">';
IEhtml += '<' + 'PARAM name=code value="' + xcode + '">';
IEhtml += '<' + 'PARAM name=inlineIME value="' + false + '">';

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