這篇是直接引述 Metalink 上,有關如果改變 Sales Order Header Close 週期的文章,參考參考

Applies to:

Oracle Order Management - Version: 11.5.9
Information in this document applies to any platform.


"Checked for relevance on 27-Oct-2007"

How to change the Workflow so that the Order Header Closes as soon as all the lines are Closed ?


There is a standard WorkFlow Wait process defined just before the Close Header WF process, that waits for the end of the month in which the Sales order was created, before closing the Sales Order. This is to ensure that there is enough time to add new items to a Sales Order before it is closed, in case the customer wants to call back and add aditional items to the same Sales Order.

It is possible to open the OEOH workflow by connecting to the database using the WF Builder and then change this setting.

Open the Process "Close - Order" and then Right Click on the WAIT-1 that is just before the "CLOSE_WAIT_FOR_L" In the Properties, Choose Node Attributes Tab and place cursor on the "Day of the month" and remove the Value that is currently set as "Last".

Instead, set this Node Attribute same as the other Wait further down in this flow.
Change the setting as Wait Mode as Releative Time and then set the Relative Time as 1.

With this setting, as soon as all the Lines are closed, the Header will become eligible to be closed.

This will affect only new orders that uses this newly modified Flow. For the existing orders, one needs to wait till the end of the month - the month in which the Sales Order was created. Pls note that this happens only for the month the Sales order is created. For eg. if 9 of the 10 lines in a Sales Order created in July was closed and the 10th line is closed on Augst 1st, the Sales Order will Close on August 1st itself and will NOT wait till the end of August. FYI.

If there is a TEST instance where there are sample Orders, one can open the Work Flow in the Sysadmin User and System Administrator Responsibility and try and do a Skip on this Wait, so that this progresses further. If that is successful and satisfactory, one can do that in PROD too. Pls note that Support and DEV generally recommends not doing Expedite -> Skip or Expedite -> Retry unless has been consulted.

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